Status Plus

Joann, UK

Pelvic organ Prolapse – INCONTINENCE!!

Cystocele, Rectocele.  Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Words I hear…

Bladder, bowel, supportive ligaments no longer able to support, weakened, stretched, allowing you both to fall, drop and peep out of my vagina.

A bulge, unable to poop, pressure, heaviness, nocturia, pelvic pain, discomfort, so many more and the worst to come yet… incontinence.  

Incontinence: my existence I am dominated by you.
What I do, where I go, the distance I walk.

Is there a toilet? How far is the toilet?
My work. My family. My tasks. Exercise. No jumping.

All that l doAll that I enjoy

Life truly impacted by you.

Emotions high. Out of control

Dare I, can I, will I, should I, sneeze, cough, laugh.  Have fun.
Warm liquid, urine, will it flow?
I cannot stop it. Unable to stop.  It will not STOP.
Urgency. Stress incontinence. The involuntary release of urine. No control. Will it create odour?
Oh no!! Panic. Humiliation. Embarrassment.
Colour flows, my cheeks, red, pink, warm. Skin glows. Skin on fire.

Perspiration seeps from the pores of my forehead.  Drip, drip, drip.

Will they see? Will they know?
What has happened down below?
Underwear wet, dripping, and sopping. Need to dry, need to change, need to wash,
apply pads.

Panic, anxiety…Oh no not again!

Intimacy… coital incontinence, dyspareunia when intimacy happens.

No touching, feeling, want to hide and avoid their touch.
Closeness, warmth all elements of life impacted by incontinence and pelvic organ prolapses.

Pessary mentioned. Ring pessary, Gellhorn pessary.  Ring pessary for me.
Silicone, flexible, able to remove, wash, deliver relief.

Will it support? Give relief until surgery can be sought?
Do I? Will it? Should I try it? I will!! I must!!

The doctor assesses and measures inside with fingers that feel and pry.
Fits a pessary. Do not like it! Will I get used to it? So conscious, aware of the foreign body placed inside to do the job my body is no longer able.
Weeks pass, persevere, symptoms settle, relief, it helps, it supports.  Relief at last!

Date for surgery. Will it fix me.  Will it repair.  Give normality.

No more pain.  No more pelvic organ prolapses, be able to poop, be able to sleep, no feelings of heaviness, no nocturia and daytime incontinence!!!
So happy, elated, grateful, success. 

Rest, relax, recover and follow professional advice.

Build a strong pelvic floor. No more, cystocele, rectocele, no more pelvic organ prolapses.

Never wish for cystocele or rectocele to peep out of my vagina and impact my life again!!

Written by Joanna Brown
Nurse – Northampton General Hospital (NHS Trust)