Stress Urinary Incontinence
Patient Stories
Anonymous - New Zealand
As a Pasifika woman of Samoan and Tongan descent, a wife, mother, and grandmother, lifting the shame and overcoming the fear of telling others you constantly pee in your pants was an issue for me. It wasn’t until a family relative found out from her palagi (pakeha) friends about a vagina sling operation that she went to see her local doctor who supported her in having a successful operation. I credit my relative’s courage to talanoa (talk story) and to tell me…
Toni - UK
I had my first child when I was 27. It was a normal delivery, but I had an episiotomy during it. Afterwards, for a few weeks, I felt I had no bladder control. My midwife had given me a leaflet in passing on pelvic floor exercises which I started to do but life got in the way and I would forget to do them. My urinary incontinence was not as bad as it had been, so I just thought that this was how things were meant to be. 22 months later I had my second child.
TJ - Australia
During pregnancy, I had massive pelvic pain and instability in my hips and pelvis, to the point it was hard to walk. Since there didn’t seem to be any appointments available with the physios at my hospital I was birthing with, I just wore a belly brace and suffered in silence. I kept showing up to work even when it hurt. I kept doing housework even when it hurt. After birth, I ripped my stitches every time I pooped for a while, which was AGONISING.
Carla – Brazil
I was not aware there was a treatment for my discomfort. Every time I sneezed or coughed, I experienced some urine loss and it was pretty annoying and disturbing. It started years back, like 8 years or so. After I was told about the laser treatment by my gynecologist, I decided to give it a try and was thrilled by the success of it.
Anonymous - Australia
Since a risky forceps delivery 20 years ago I have suffered stress incontinence, getting much worse at menopause. I couldn’t walk without leaking. I had to wear pads. I had no confidence in exercising. Physio achieved nothing – I wasn’t trying hard enough! I went to a very experienced urogynaecologist. Urodynamic studies revealed my sphincter muscles were not working.
Lisa B. - New Zealand
I had been struggling for a couple of years with urinary incontinence and over the last 8 months it was becoming progressively worse. I couldn’t exercise without leaking and just sneezing or coughing would be extremely embarrassing for me. I have always exercised and kept myself fit but I had given up even trying as it was so difficult to manage and annoying having to wear pads which were just uncomfortable.
Kimberly H. - USA
After having two children, I had severe stress incontinence issues. I am a figure skater and also active in other sports. I found I had to wear a full-size maxi pad in order to participate in any impact activities. I lived in fear of unexpected laughing or sneezing. I had to wear a pad almost constantly. I heard about the TVT sling on a radio program. I thought about it for another couple of years before I could no longer tolerate the inconvenience.
Anonymous - Italy
I had suffered with stress incontinence for years; living with incontinence at the age of 40 was really discouraging. I was unable to perform everyday activities such as working, walking, raising children, doing any kind of physical activity; even laughing was now a problem. The discomfort was tangible; I was concerned about the bad smell and as a result was always looking for the nearest toilet. I was absolutely desperate.
Ann B. - New Zealand
I had leakage for at least 7 years. The last three years it was so bad I couldn’t even breathe without leakage. I couldn’t socialise because I would wet myself. I stopped visiting friends as I was embarrassed by the number of pads I needed. I became a recluse and stopped having sex with my partner. I stayed home all the time, I felt really depressed and felt quite suicidal. I tried to take my life it got so bad.
Ann C. - New Zealand
Over the last several years, I have had a couple of gynecological issues, including endometriosis, uterine fibroids and small masses/cysts. I also had bladder leakage. Thinking back, I don’t know which issue was worse. Once I had my gynecological issues resolved, my bladder leakage continued, and I was left with a nice case of “Now what?” It was amazing to see that such a simple procedure could help find me a whole new way of living – leak free.