Stress Urinary Incontinence & Prolapse
Patient Stories
Joanna - UK
Cystocele, Rectocele. Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Words I hear…
Bladder, bowel, supportive ligaments no longer able to support, weakened, stretched, allowing you both to fall, drop and peep out of my vagina.
A bulge, unable to poop, pressure, heaviness, nocturia, pelvic pain, discomfort, so many more and the worst to come yet… incontinence.
Maria - Netherlands
I learned a prolapse can affect women’s daily lives in a nasty way. Running, carrying heavy bags or just sitting on your haunches suddenly feels uncomfortable. Through my work with a patient-facing pelvic floor organization, I have a lot of knowledge of the female pelvic floor. Even with all of the knowledge I have, I still tried to ignore…
Diana - New Zealand
Six months after the birth of my first baby, when I was 31 years old, I noticed a bulge coming out of my vagina and was diagnosed with a posterior prolapse. I was advised to see a physio and then have a surgical repair but to wait 2 years after I had finished having children due to the recovery from surgery. Fast forward 7 years, and after the birth of my third child…
Belinda - Australia
When I first started experiencing prolapse symptoms, I knocked them down to just unfortunate side effects of a posterior labour and forceps delivery – despite seeing my GP 9 months later who didn’t take it very seriously; she barely examined me and told me it was a minor rectocele and normal in births like mine. I continued with physio and exercises, nothing worked.
Jeannette - New Zealand
I was experiencing a very full feeling lower down, problems with going to the toilet for both urine and bowels and I was really uncomfortable for a long time. I kept putting off doing anything about it for years as I was not keen on an operation. I tried exercises and thought it would get better. I saw one specialist who recommended that …
Margaret - New Zealand
I am now 72 and my suspicions that I had a prolapse into the vagina began when I was about 65. Slowly over the next 5 years the prolapse began to grow larger and more uncomfortable and I felt I should investigate further. At this point (I was now 70) I asked my GP to refer me to a local Gynaecologist, on the recommendation of a friend.
Anonymous - New Zealand
I had my prolapse in my late 30s, more than 10 years after the birth of my child. I had a vaginal birth involving forceps, ventouse, episiotomy and a difficult manouvre as my daughter got stuck. After birth I had 2 weeks of constipation, straining, and agony when trying for a bowel movement. Still, it took some years for my prolapse.
Anonymous - Australia
My pelvic floor problems came about after the birth of my first child. I knew almost immediately that something was not right. I had no control over my bladder. That eased somewhat but until I stopped breastfeeding (6 months), I suffered from urinary incontinence and irritable bladder, as well as prolapse. It was painful to stand for too long.
Carol B. - USA
While straining to have a BM I felt like I delivered a football. When I checked I felt my bladder sticking out of my vagina. Before treatment I had a constant feeling of pressure, sitting on a ball and something between my legs. My urine stream went all over the place like a hose. I felt very self-conscious. I just felt something wasn’t right with me.
Robyn O. - New Zealand
I’m 63 years of age and had a hysterectomy at the age of 50. My resident grapefruit-sized fibroid was removed from my uterus, along with 1 fallopian tube and ovary. My bladder was stitched back into place after a few years of being knocked around by the resident fibroid. The surgeon said the remaining ovary will help with aging, but the bladder may need correcting in 10-15 years.